Nature doesn't tend to be so complex as religions(scientists included temporarily) and statute writers make it out to be. Force and energy allowed matter to emerge. Matter allowed life to emerge. Life allowed mental modeling to emerge. Mental modeling allowed prediction to emerge. Prediction allowed conscious choices to emerge emotively. Meanwhile, there is one naturalliving Right: the right to Try to Live. As for meaning of human life, work the chain back. For humanity (any species, really) to continue to try living, we need to interact positively with the resources needed. Our 'special' ability to see, model and choose our future interactions with resources allows us to be potentially very important to Nature's future. Whether we understand and undertake that response ability is the test of our special temporal exceptionalism. We have to be especially wary of those telling us that animalism prevents us from doing so. They are usually just individuating us to prevent being fully human and conscious. Profiteer-predators separate us so they can run us down and brand us as one kind of fanatic or another.