Net Future Usefulness: a species that consumes more usefulness than it creates will go extinct. Civilization is always in the negative numbers.
Now: justify the last 70 years of 'education' that has been grooming kids to be "competitive" inside a society based on Consumptionism.
The "existential crisis" has come about because humans became 'civilized' and built walls between everything we want and everything our environment needs from us. We have evolved inside those walls to not know the difference between leaders and bullies.
Stressed kids become bullies. Slightly less stressed kids become morally bankrupt CEOs. Everyone else puts their savings into a 401K (TIAA/CREF anyone?) to bet on the competitive moral turpitude of Wall Street. Then, there's BitCoin: an emergent product from people trying to bet against the future of that moral turpitude by creating something dependent on the continuation of massive private infrastructure.
Anyone want a free soda and some fireworks? I'm sure there's a graduation party you can crash nearby.