Nice rant 🤬! I'm always up for a good one. I did however notice a glaring absence of words about money's emergent fuckery. If you're going to rant about the lowest common denominator in a capitalist society, you should acknowledge the one dollar=one vote(one merit) process, and how the corruption is enabled and encouraged by policies that give power to aggressive bullies and tax deductions to coercive advertisers that brainwash children, steal our time and attention and exploit the Spectacle of people like The Orange Menagerie of Plutocracy.
Get a copy of "The Devil's Chessboard." The Republican Party, Inc. has a philosophy; Make Rich People Richer. The Democat Party Inc. has mostly the same one, but it includes having more semi-poor people around to keep the cars fixed and the drugs bought and popular votes cast from cities.
No politician wants to talk about sales taxes and UBI, nor will they pay attention to the Quantified Consumptionism Collapse data (pick one: carbon, oceans, ice, streets, obesity, fertilizer, knowledge, social stability, military logistics, cities as CAFOs, waste management, insurance losses). Understandably, you are going to be tuned to an education mindset, but most USA education takes place via advertising and prices. Nothing else is taken seriously by the lowest common actor in a fanatically competing market social structure.