Oh, it doesn't require any guessing. They actively suppress the words "climate change", and anything that might suggest that The Economy can't grow forever because their existence depends on advertising that pretends there is nothing wrong with buying things we don't need (if we actually need something, humans will go out and get it: that's how you know that we don't need advertising at all).
Heat is supposed to tell us to go somewhere else. Since we are trapped in civilized 'housing' and 'jobs', people can't imagine just walking north without an airplane ticket, a lakeside reservation or a comically oversized motorhome (towing a comically expensive Jeep).
My new bumper sticker is going to be, "You are a cartoon. It's a Jeep Thing you can't understand in a Jeep."
Kinda long, I know, but hey, most cars aren't going to be moving, and the ones that are will be operated by a computer, so plenty of time for future people to read a busy bumper sticker.