Oh, this was AWESOME! Thank you!
I remembered most of these, but got some good laughs. Especially Bellestar's outfit because I just came from Target.
Barbarella wasn't Sci-Fi in any real sense: it was just hippie nerd porn.
Most series are more Space Opera than Sci-Fi. The closest to real sci-fi recently (relatively) have been Babylon5, Fringe and The Expanse. The trend has been to take the sci-fi that would fit an episode and turn it into a soap cash-cow over a season.
Sorry, I digress. We were enjoying attire.
If you've ever met astronauts or fighter pilots, the Bruce Dern patches make sense. It starts with unit identification, but then a flight suit turns into a portable "I love me" wall. They have to keep from falling into depression between adventures, and they want all the pieces to be identified after the crash.