One of the recent trends has been the escalating fear and contention that keeps people in black and white, all or nothing thinking. This made the last 30 critical years into "he said, she said" bullshit arguments without doing any triage to cut out the unnecessary parts of civilization and consumptionism. It's way past any time to save this menagerie of waste. That said, though, it is a menagerie of uselessness for the most part. As the linked part asks "Who is 'we' ", there's also, "What are people good for?" Too many are caught up in the pursuit of blind consumption 'have-y-ness' that nobody has really tried to run the numbers based on needs, natural systems and modern knowledge. The 'solutions' end up getting backed out of a suicidal economy as though the economy is unquestionable. We are supposed to just accept that we need the whole shebang for jobs, credit, competition, war, airplanes, and advertisers. Start pulling out blocks and Jenga! Democrats have done this with the government for too long, and now the crazies are taking a scythe to its legs. TSHTF and the fan stops. Surprisingly, when things stop and people are desperate, all of the isolated "Mine!"s become "We"s again. No, it won't be enough. It will only be something.