One thing to ask is, “What are people for?” In the same context of all living things, my answer is, “To contribute more to our future progeny than we take: including their environment.”
The old saying, “It’s the Economy, Stupid!” is true; and humanity’s idea of economics is exactly backward from the biosystems that we emerged from. What’s ’good' for human explosive growth is not good for everything else or even our future selves. As for the current crop of 'environmentalists’: “The opposite of consumption is not frugality; it’s generosity.” -Raj Patel
All of the discord and wars and -isms come down to people being competitively anthropocentric collectively while fanatically selfish individually (The Invisible Hand Job is not a good substitute for intentionality.)
All of it under the umbrella of tax-deductible coercion by marketers.
No. There’s really no hope at all, but as Derrick Jensen points out, sometimes we have to lose all hope in order to stand up and take the necessary risks of fighting back.