Part of the problem is that we keep using the words "sustainable" and "competitive" when we need to think "regenerative" and "cooperative".
Almost all of civilization is based on extraction of resources to support a pyramid scheme of cities with only one purpose: making more and richer people. Humans owe the Earth about a million man-years of back pay and labor, and like any corporation, humanity is blaming the bottom level of the pyramid for the failures of the pyramid itself.
Everything about our views of economics is backward.
On top of that, people keep blaming "capitalism" for behaviors that are really "competitive extraction". Capitalism is just an emergent way of extracting money and worshiping money, but Communism and Socialism both still lean on an extraction mentality.
The problem with our systems is the anthropocentrism, and capitalism is another level of anthropocentrism.
Humans have evolved to not know the difference between leadership and bullying because we can't stop competing against reality.