Possibly (there have been some analysts saying it is about to fail from debt), but China is accustomed to major failures. They'll still be China. The U.S. doesn't have a tradition of rebuilding society from scratch. It's always been an afterthought of the demands of commerce. Lose the commerce and you lose the identity of America. Sure, there will be more commerce after a collapse, but the social infrastructure is a complex Invisible Hand Job of competitive corruption and gambling on the fanatical moral turpitude of corporate handlers. It's worked great for 'progress' up until now; everyone wants a piece of the redundancy paperwork pie, including China.
When the music stops, 100 million are left sitting in a 'business deduction' truck that costs more than a house, with debts that no gig economy or reality-based occupation can pay. 2008 was only a foreshadowing of the hyperfinancialized wagering on uselessness of consumers who extract wealth from their future selves. 14 years later, the government is paying interest on a 30 trillion dollar house that will never exist for taxpayers who won't have government.
It's all in the marketing.