Religion. Marketing. Advertising. It's all child abuse. The wingnuts don't want to allow any questioning of lies because it's the basis of our entire civilization (The belief that humans are more important than other species because we lie to ourselves about it). Religions have to invent gods because otherwise, the lie doesn't hold up at all. When the majority believes an invisible hand says we were Created for no reason except to entertain the Invisible Hand, there's no reasoning with people.
Consumerism thrives by causing brain damage to children (sugar addiction, fear of god, adult sports) and teaching adults to enslave their future selves (debt).
If slavery is wrong, then debt is wrong.
That's where it all falls down: allowing future people to have freedom to choose a different path than anachronistic people have set them on.
If students can't be enslaved to banks, then what's the point of college buildings with the names of Aristocrats?