So...basically anyone who is willing to join the military and/or grew up on a farm in the 20th century...
(When I was getting indoctrination for working on a flight deck, they said, "Welcome to the 3rd most dangerous occupation in the world."
"What are the other two?"
"Farming and mining."
Not many kids are born in a mine...
"I was convinced that the reason farmers had 14 kids was so that one or two could be sacrificed to the baler knotter god each summer." -Justin Isherwood
Imminent threat of injury or death is no way to raise children, but that's why the 'Greatest Generation' had middle class money to support corporate psychopathic consumerism; cheap food from child labor.
The idyllic traditional American life: Grant Wood can rot in Hell.
Oh, I'm sorry. Do I sound sociopathic? Look around. It's just business. And government. And marketing. And religion.
Civilization has taught humans to not know the difference between leaders and bullies. Bullies are profitable prophets.
Our 'civilized' species is currently conducting a psychopathic war on its own environment. This is effectively the baseline for the DSM. Something to ponder over your morning breakfast while you are carefully guided by psychopathic time and attention thieves(advertisers) toward "news you can use."