Some of us aren't forgetting it. There is a lot worse yet to come, and what we do to help now needs to be thought of as early stage practice for what will be to come. We must learn to accommodate the Earth's changes because they aren't going to stop, and there's nothing we will be able to do about it (the disasters we are seeing now were set in motion decades ago, and we have only made it worse since then.
The ability of air to hold moisture is a cubic function of its temperature. Dry areas become exponentially drier because the air keeps more of its moisture, and wet areas become exponentially wetter because the air transports more moisture, all within an unpredictable turbulent atmosphere that is losing its anchors (ice caps).
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is Man's inability to understand the exponential function." -Albert A. Bartlett
While we must make every immediate effort to help Pakistan, we must also make even more effort to plan for future disasters, migrations and political and economic collapse. Humanity has really messed up, and it started with thinking that humans are too 'special' to take care of the planet. Globally, we have to stop competing.