Sure it’s rigged, but not as much by the what, 10,000? rich assholes as by the 8 billion stupid humans willing to sell their souls for a candy bar, a car and a 'chance' to become one of the privileged: or at least to keep the privilege of their ignorance held over the next less privileged.
The masses are exploited because they obviously either want to be happy (ignorance is bliss) or they would rather fight than grow their own food and government.
Government does all of the things people want but don’t want to do for themselves. The only thing worse than doing a human’s job for them (grow food, care for their places, plan for the future, raise children) is making them do it themselves.
Capitalism makes profits on people avoiding Reality. You want to see people be something they are not (intentional gods), without making them pay the real price of collective human stupidity.
Do you know why nature has tigers? To make people smarter than tigers.
Do you know why humans created civilization? Because building walls is easier than outsmarting tigers.
Capitalism is the easiest way for humans to live without having to be smarter than anything but the dumbest human inside the walls.