Take a step back and ask, "Am I concerned with Capitalism (belief based on money) or Competition?"
In a system based on competition, you inevitably end up with fewer and fewer winners and more and more losers (visit any local soccer tournament).
The opposite of competition is cooperation. Most of capitalism depends on some kind of cooperation with society and government to succeed. The opposite of blind (or deceptive) capitalism is sales tax (putting the full impact of purchases at the decision point). The development of cooperation is basically, democracy: people being involved in self-moderation and motivation toward common goals.
The overall problem (including racism, sexism, ageism, etc) is that children are being condition to be individuals competing against all other individuals and systems with no support. We give tax deductions to corporations to steal our time and attention and to brainwash children into competitive consumerism and distrust of their neighbors.
The most expedient answer is to put all overhead costs of civilization into sales taxes and use those taxes to pay every citizen a basic income without means testing. Then, everyone knows their value to their place as citizens without having to fight each other for it.
Then, if they want to cooperate with someone else to become a capitalist, they can do so. They just won't have the ability to deceive people with "always low prices" for wars to get resources or purchasing goods that are better made locally without overhead.
When the impact of corruption via the behemoth that is the income tax code is considered, there really aren't many other paths that will get representative government in place again without collapse and rebuilding a system based on sortition (random selection).