Thank you. Believe it or not, this is my short response: We've reached peak extractible uselessness. It started by shifting humans from usefulness to each other (hunter-gatherer tribes) to being useful to authority (city-states). 'Economy' of scale (specialization, industrialization, cheap food, etc) freed up a lot of our time for liesure activities (useless time). Markets follow money, and people generally pay more for things they don't need than for boring(teen eye roll) living needs, so civilization became a spectacle of uselessness that is too big to fail. Factory schooling is no longer a necessary part. Children are now born into uselessness and the inertia of the massive banking machinery allows enough activity to pretend it's important to compete, but there's no real contribution to any particular state of future humanity or it's necessities. We've left the future up to The Invisible Hand and now that it's a fist, everyone is surprised.