Thank you for posting this. The moneyed interests have homogenized and dollarized all progressive movement into checkmarks on spreadsheets that are pasted up to prevent insiders from knowing they are captives. While we have come through decades of small drifts around a moneyed center, that money keeps the politicians as captives as well. 1950s Americans see Trump as a breakout outsider, but they don't have any reference to know an insane idiot from a thinking leader because no one is allowed to question the senseless belief in competition. If anything now, we can see Trump and the 2025 plan as the culmination of 100 years of robber barons methodically undermining anything that interferes with maximum profits, especially cooperation and democracy. Maybe the Democrats can buy us a moment to think about where humanity might go, before the scheming bastards burn it all to power the crypto crapfest.