Thanks for the reply. I apologize for my tangential thinking. In general, I’m not trying to antagonize, just discuss. I am by no definition a professional.
I think that naturally, “how" and “why" are nearly interchangeable, starting with the subatomic. As the old joke goes, “Why does your dog lick his balls?”
“Because he can.”
Why do bullies create religions, wars, racism and limited liability companies? Because they can.
Why do particles form and disappear in the quantum foam?
Net Future Usefulness: the contribution a species (bully, particle) makes to its place that is greater than its consumption of resources.
In the very long term, it’s the only thing that determines the survival or extinction of a thing. We, as humans, have the chance to intentionally determine if we are going to contribute or die off in the very long term over more than one place.
'Balance' (net zero) doesn’t cut it because there has to be a reserve strength to compensate for black swans (determinedly unpredicted* random events like asteroids, volcanoes, climate change, solar mass ejection).
Philosophy that doesn’t remain attached to the physical/aesthetic reality becomes the Invisible Hand Job. Sure, it works for a few, for a time, but it does two things: it defeats the intentionality that human ego believes gives us dominion, and it empowers neotony (reversed maturity) with the acceptance of competition as primary driver/morality under artificial resource scarcity. The perception of scarcity prevents humans from being generous to their surroundings, hence a net consumptive culture of fanatical competicism.
*Determinedly unpredicted: an event that may or may not be predicted, but is averaged out of the risk prediction or 'proven' impossible by statistical short sight.
Example: Fukushima.