Thanks. I'm trying to turn it into a story. Probably a 2-parter. The second would be 'how do we get there'.
As for the question in your original discourse about "What big changes would change the culture" or to that effect, I have two that stick in my head, as far as corporations and government go.
1. The FairTax proposal that has been rattling around Republican junk drawers for 20-some years. But, instead of it simply being revenue neutral to replace the income tax code, turn it into UBI and healthcare based on sales tax to replace ALL taxes (including social security), but initially have a limited-life income tax on the over 1M set.
2. Every company with more than 10 employees should be providing transportation to those employees. (see, Stupid Pyramid Scheme, Ever).
Those are the 2 big ideas. I have some more that are less 'crazy' to refine, but like you pointed out, the 'fixes' are mostly just re-engineering, not necessarily new concepts. Most business is a means of parasitizing the flow of value. Understanding that the flow is in the wrong direction makes it easier to establish long-term plans than what we have been doing up until now (the Invisible Hand of Extraction, various ways of excluding people (religion, competition, nationalism, etc)).