The first step is to drop our concept of “civilized”(city-based imperialism) anthropocentric economics. All along the viewing stands of the ages of history, few have seriously asked “What are people for?”. It’s always, “What can we do for people?”: Usually only ourselves.
The opposite of consumption is not frugality or even fairness; it’s generosity to the places we need.
The opposite of capitalism is not socialism: it’s sales tax. All of the necessary services (environment, health, food, housing, useful community serving places) can be paid for with sales tax that is high enough to reverse our concept of economics from extraction to contribution.
Contribution to place has to begin somewhere, and logically, that should be evaluating the way we perceive profitability (taking more than giving) as the dominant morality. Profits and prophecy are the domain of bullies.
Civilization itself has become a CAFO with only perpetual growth in mind. Who issued a permit for it?