The main factor causing climate change is civilization/consumptionism/colonialism based on unquestioned belief that humans have a right to take more than they contribute to the planet and that population growth is justification for all resource exploitation.
Knowing when tipping points will happen won't convince the bullies/consumptionists to stop anything. It will only give them more information to manipulate scarcities for profit and exploit fears with those algorithms instead of the present ones (competition, class, nationalism, security, comfort, belief, sex)
The question of "When will the climate...?" is assuming our civilization is intentionally science and logic based. It is market and competition based.
We will only be concerned politically with science when market forces push our corrupt leaders to change. Before the environment tipping points get here, there are disaster trends, insurance failures, famines and wars already manifesting that dominate the market paradigm so that climate news is just blended background noise even if it is the underlying commonality.