"The opposite of consumption is not frugality; it is generosity." -Raj Patel
The problem is that we ask what the carrying capacity of the planet is: not what the carrying capacity of humanity is. We think of ourselves only as beneficiaries, not responsible contributors to the planet's ecosystems. Our entire concept of economics is backward, and it is why people feel useless and confused about their place in the universe. It's why religions are failing us (serving gods instead of places), why government fails us, and especially why educators have failed us.
The planet is asking humanity, "What have you done for me lately?" It's the simplest question in all of evolutionary history, and we know the answer. We just can't speak it. Our intentionality is on trial as to whether it's a bug or a feature for the physical world.
We have built systems on top of systems that profit only the mean Mean. We have assigned Competition against Nature as the end-all, be-all 'purpose' of people. We think that "What's good for people is all that matters because....God."
Nature only has one rule: Learn to cooperate with and contribute to the resources you need or die off.
Religion was the excuse Adam and Eve came up with after abandoning their responsibilities in the Garden of Eden. Everything since then has been marketing (theft of time and attention). No economist will tell us there are too many economists, just as no humanist will say that humans aren't the most important thing.