The standard answer is, "Sales taxes are regressive", but my answer is, "not as regressive as a dead planet".
The rich get rich because people spend too much money instead of making communities, food and basic needs locally. Anything that sounds like "progressive" means "someone will make money exploiting the poor by keeping them poor and building bureaucratic empires through complex schemes of distraction and delusion".
People need to know how much things actually cost.
We don't need most of the things that civilization pretends we do. The vast majority of modern life is useless work to make luxuries (anything dependent on fossil fuels).
All costs of civilization need to be where people make decisions: at the checkouts.
What you do with the sales taxes (UBI, health, food, education) will determine the usefulness of the people.
Running some "tax the rich" scheme without asking, "What are people FOR?" just ends up with more of the Invisible Hand Job (lassaiz-faire, non-decision, competitive dumbassery).
Are humans actually intentional, or just monkeys with guns and money?