The title caught my old man eye because it's true. One of the things about virtual prisons (I can only imagine the other kind) is that they feed insecurities and competition. Modern consumerism has amplified the competition between people in order to sell products, and let's face it: most people under global capitalism get their education from advertising. The more insecure we all are, the more stuff we buy and the more stupid things we do to find ways to 'win' something we don't even know we want or not, especially under the constant prodding of our hormones for aggression.
By living according to a competition, everyone's differences are exacerbated and targeted, their ability to be flexible and generous is restricted by role-playing, and everyone starts to resent any offense that happens, instead of working together to learn and grow.
Too much of the 'dating' meme is about finding some imaginary "one true match", when the reality is, most humans actually evolved to work as part of a group or at least in pairs. Our 'civilized' systems have been working to separate us all into individual sources of labor and money, feeding and amplifying insecurities starting in childhood.
In a natural environment, humans will seek others to join and combine their lives for a better life or to improve a place. In civilization, we see each other as targets and competitors.
We aren't allowed to just be satisfied with each other's contributions and goals. We have to "go! fight! win!" and everyone is poorer for it in all things.