This is a truth. Start with the income tax codes: you're not a 'real' business unless you have enough money (or debt) to hire an accountant to handle all of the paperwork and keep you compliant with all of the rules meant to be 'progressive', but really end up only putting a wall between the working poor and the filthy rich. Zoning rules favor anyone who can afford to put their dirty, noisy business somewhere away from the neighbors' White Columns Burbclaves. You can live there for a time, but you'll have to mortgage your house to rent a place to build your ideas, and as soon as they can, the Owner class will copy it, buy you out, or force you into bankruptcy when you miss a payment on their 'Commercial' zoned property rental.
If you're the aggressive, vicious 'take-no-prisoners and climb the ladders!' type, then this is The American Dream. If you just want to do something useful and then go fishing, you'd better move to Mexico. This country won't even let you be a farmer if you aren't expansion-oriented (borrowing just a little more than you can afford each year).