This is incomplete. Consumption is only half of the story. The other half is what we contribute to the places we need.
In other words, moderating consumption is still thinking in terms of anthropocentric Extraction Economics.
"The opposite of consumption is not frugality; it is generosity." -Raj Patel
The simple solution is right in front of us, but politics have become so corrupt and our politicians so stupid (car dealers, lawyers, TV personalities, pickle vendors) that we cannot distinguish between leadership and bullying.
Civilization itself is the trap: humans isolated from the risks and responsibilities of the very environment that spawned us. To change from Growth and Extraction in a mercantile society ("always low prices"), we need each vote (dollar spent) to have feedback that reflects the total cost of civilization itself (sales tax/VAT), and each citizen paid and maintained (UBI, education and good health) as useful symbionts of their places.
In other words, in the US, Democrats need to abandon the income tax code (corruption writ large) and embrace the concept of some Republicans' FairTax proposal, then raise the prebate to be UBI and health, while raising the rate of sales tax to be anti-consumption. No means testing, no resentments, no favors and junkets to tropical islands. Just information and encouragement to stop being consumers and become contributors to our own places and each other.
"Growth" as we know it is simply Colonialism: as all cities are a form of Imperial Occupation (humans destroying and occupying other species' places in total).