Too much of relationship perception has become the competitive extremism of American selfish culture ("individual choice"). Every encounter is now judged by catchwords and memes unrelated to sensible reality in the here and now. Competitive judgementalism about insignificant details is posted in order for Facebook algorithms to sell crap based on branded lifestyles. We can't evaluate truly bad people because there's so much money and time to be harvested berating everyone for everything. I can't count how many times I have thought, "Oh, you really have no idea..." when yet another PMC* gets all wound up about a 'Karen' or a politician saying something stupid. There are 9 billion universes in human brains, and chances are slim that any of us has seen the worst one on any given day(especially if you are privileged enough to be on the internet).
We need to spend a bit more effort eliminating the systems that allow, encourage and profit from combative behaviors, especially to teach that casual interactions aren't supposed to be combat.
* "Professional Management Class"