UBI and healthcare based on VAT: eliminate the income tax code so that everyone knows their own cash value as a participant in the economy, and the actual cost of buying a life instead of living one.
Elizabeth Warren's most important proposal was to reinstate the bankruptcy laws that empowered people to get out from under the debt yoke if necessary. Few people understand how important this change was to creating the 2008 bubble and the dependency on government bailouts of 'too big to fail' banks that depend on debt slavery.
"A corporation is a pile of money to which a group of men swear moral allegiance." -Wendell Berry
The stock market is where the rest of the country's labor sector is forced (401K, IRA) to place bets on that moral turpitude.
Bitcoin is where some place bets that government can all fail and they will still be able to buy the crap they don't need.