Unfortunately, the term "capitalism" is conflated with "market society", and people tend to think an attack on capitalism is an attack on their choices/freedom to negotiate in competitive systems.
Nobody questions the concept of competition itself. Capitalism emerges from competition and the individuation that competition thrives on. Religions compete with each other over an imaginary product that never has to be delivered. Corporations and capitalists harvest the energies of the pyramid by keeping people suspicious of each other. That keeps the bottom of the pyramid busy trying to extract energies from the soil under the pyramid. Powerful people know that the "only way to make money from poor people is by keeping them poor". Take away the competitions and people start to look at each other differently. When they cooperate to get work done for common reasons, they start to realize that they don't need the rest of the pyramid at all.
Advertising, government, religion and education systems are all oriented toward keeping the illusion that human beings can't cooperate without our Benevolent Leaders.
Don't get distracted by the greed and numbers of capitalism's cash flows. The real issue is whether humanity itself is contributing more to the ground under the pyramid than it takes.
That's where the pyramid is built: getting people to compete for the next layer of a pyramid instead of cooperating to care for their children's future places.