Unfortunately, this is far too likely to happen anywhere. It's why so many people are afraid to discuss anything important. Your courage is commendable. Does it matter more what he said or what you did in response? Bullies.
Why is everyone trying to make everything into a competition? What's the prize in such a contest? Do you get a pig-calling trophy if you yell back?
Doesn't Kansas have open-carry laws? Just skip the pepper spray and get the biggest gun you can conspicuously carry. A pissant in a car is less likely to feel invulnerable that way.
Maybe just get the bandoliers full of ammo. Be as conspicuously hostile as you can.
It seems to be the rage these days....
Go full Chewbacca.
It's not the one that you already dealt with sanely, it's the future ones you need to plan for as the economy tanks and people get increasingly competitive.
Do you have a community you can really trust?
That's really the question going forward, I think. Either you have a community you can trust, or you have to approach every day like a war.
I'm too old for that shit.