We are in a hot mess as the world's Empire of global trade. Biden has been in the thick of it for a long time, but that means he's as frustrated as anyone by the zip ties that the corporate oligarchs have put on his wrists. This shittified world comes down to this: we vote once every 4 years for someone we hope won't kill our children in their beds, but we vote billions of times every day for those who do. Israel is a product. The news is a profit center based on showing blood and guts to sell advertising and get tax deductions for brainwashing children and stealing our time, attention and personal data. If you really want to stop the world's powers from bombing children, then stop buying anything that you can do without. Watch the way that money kills people and buys governments. The war Israel has escalated is a proxy war against a terror deep state that our corporations(with MI-6 and CIA help) created in Iran in the 50s and it has been nurtured and fertilized ever since then by Big Money (especially oil money). Now, the awakening college social movements are picking and choosing symptoms of capitalist machinations to attack, but it's not the figurehead who is the problem, it's the dollarized System of systems. Israel is a very expensive yacht that America bought with oil money 75 years ago. We can't sell it, drive it or sink it, and Iran's religious terror state (that we created for oil money) is Hell-bent on pushing it out to sea to sink. Somehow, we have to remedy 75 years of war monger profiteering(Search "Rumsfeld", "Cheney" or "Banana Republicans"), racism, antisemitism, exploitation, criminal political manipulations and blind stupid economics in one election? Yeah, children are dying and suffering for it all, but that's not going to be fixed by sinking our zionist lead balloon today. There has to be a bigger picture plan over more than two countries and longer than one election cycle, and another vote for the Koch, Uhlein and Walton families just ain't it. Granted, a vote for the Democrats is a vote for drug companies and Goldman sachs, but it's at least half a vote for women's rights, education and secularism.