Mar 26, 2023

We have to really internalize and understand how deep the anti-cooperative mindset has been trained into our societies. Whether it's 'merit'ocracy, sports, science, business or even religion, we are branded at every turn and then corralled to be slaughtered like the unaware cattle of a Big Money system.

Every -ism is used to separate us and keep us from realizing we don't have to compete. Nature provided humans with plenty of resources, as long as we were useful to those places we depended on.

It isn't that we have to go back to living in caves to be tribes again, but that we have to fight the selfishness and isolation from nature that civilization thrives on.

Everything needs a negative feedback mechanism, or Nature eventually uses hers (collapse/die-off).

It's not complicated, but the prophets of Profit really keep us from understanding how suicidal our competitive dumbassery is.


Written by Auntiegrav

"Anti-gravity" was taken. Reader. Fixer. Maker. He/they/it (Help confuse the algorithms).

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