We keep seeing writers talk about the failure/success of intelligence (denial vs utopianism), but little is written about basic functional behaviors and the systems we habitualized ourselves into. Civilization itself (isolation from nature inside walls) deprived humans of direct feedback so that we tell ourselves that we don't have to work for our daily bread: we've got people and machines for that. This is the whole problem: humans think our pyramid scheme of extraction is the only way to exist and the more humans we put in CAFOs(cities), the more we have to keep it going to put even more people in CAFOs: it's like the bankers running Wisconsin's pizza cheese system on the backs of cows are the same bankers running wars on the backs of people. What an 'unlikely' coincidence, eh?
Love of money is still the root of all evil. We just have even more people for that evil to kill every day. The Invisible Hand Job.
Evil: an action taken based on an unquestioned belief. Modern people believe that money is leadership and that bullies are leaders, mostly because "always low prices" are magically delicious.
There's really no productive point to calling ourselves "Doomers" now because "human" and "doomed" is redundant.