Well done. Let's put numbers to it. One hour of desk jockeying might get 40 bucks. That buys 10 gallons of fuel, which equals 1000 manhours of physical work (lighting the house, moving cars around, pumping concrete into wall forms, etc, and that's at about 20% energy conversion, so another 4000 manhours is wasted as exhaust heat). Think about that 5000 manhours of work as the trickle out of the pipe you mentioned. How much is then flowing in each PipeO'Power pretending to be the Economy of Stupid that bankers, sycophant politicians, insurance investors and realtors are telling us to protect in the next election(at X inflation rate)? The pipes go both ways: for every pint of power they are selling, we are pushing a gallon of Belief and Demand too often on credit(theft from our future self +interest) back into their system without knowing the real cost. Every dollar, every personal data point and every child turned over to Money's emergent fuckery algorithms is fodder for the system of extraction called TWAWKI. Eventually it fails because all of the (mostly wasteful) activity depends on a system of floating checks drawn against Nature's resource banks.