What about the cows? What about the soil they stand on? Your data isn't wrong, per se. It's just that there are bigger issues with how humans live on the planet, and Cheap Food is killing the future of everything. Much of the advocacy for raw milk isn't about the milk: it's about the land and paying a farmer enough to care for it and produce healthy milk (and yes, pasteurize it carefully and slowly so it doesn't taste like the swill in a store that's forced through microscreens to homogenize it (can't have that unsightly cream on top) and through high temperature tubes to burn out the bad bacteria (and proteins, vitamins, etc).
Pasteurization is a wonderful innovation. It's just that the discussions don't go into how small a part it is in the life, political, and economic cycles all around us: especially the ones that favor bullies and people buying stuff they don't need so they can refuse to pay enough to care for the planet.
Study that. Public Health starts with environmental health. That means paying people to take care of places instead of paying them to destroy the soil and water for a buck because some corporation donates money to do studies (God forbid His 'fortunate' people would pay taxes for unfortunate people to learn something.)