Whether capitalism or democracy, the key to making good, useful choices is for the chooser (customer or voter) to be informed and aware(a crucial distinction, compared to habitually unaware or otherwise coerced) of the consequences of the options, and the availability of options. Capitalism per se is not at the root of the systemic problems: corruption, coercion and dysfunction cover up the basic problem with our version of civilization, economics and existence. Humans have learned to turn our existence as evolved animals upside down with the use of our creativity. Rather than being symbiotic contributors to our own future, we've become competing extractors consuming the resources that our children will need. Nobody really thinks about it because as long as they have money, the things they think about aren't going to kill them (right away). Getting rid of capitalism or carbon won't fix the fundamental flaws of uninformed and coerced choices by devalued and exploited users. This is why I advocate for UBI and health, as well as the other overhead costs of civilization, to be incorporated into a sales tax/VAT. Eliminate all means testing, income taxes, tax incentives, lobbying corruption and a lot of other unnecessary complications, while making tax paying an anonymous act. Basically, show people what they're worth to their places and how much consumerism really costs, and do it at the decision point: the checkouts.