Yeah, but it's OUR Evil Empire...we vote once every 4 years for someone who we hope won't murder our children in their beds, and billions of times every day for those who do. Meanwhile, the resultant mean Mean of Competing Fanatic Colonizers (er, "Job Creators and Spiritual leaders") keep paying for maintenance on the 'unsinkable' Meddle East 'aircraft carrier' yacht called Israel that nobody else wants tied to their pier and can't be sold, fixed or sunk. It's like something from WWII's captured fleet of target ships, but it doesn't sink and our 'enemies' use it for target practice, while our friendly neighborhood Christians hope and pray it brings on Armageddon to save 144,000 idiotic souls(none of which will be Jewish). What would the sand dwellers have left to do if we just moved the Jews to North Dakota? Who would buy our bombs? What would New Yorkers use to sell advertising on the News Product?
Jeeez! We can't just stop the war! It has to burn itself out. Just like consumerism(colonialism under skylights).