Yes. That's why I keep harping on how the Democrats need to call the Republicans' bluff on the FairTax. Turn the "prebate" into UBI, health and education, and increase the tax rate until people stop trying to buy a life from corporations and start living lives of their own.
All of the major problems we are facing (war, climate, pollution, violence, racism, etc) are being fed by a mindset of consumptionism: the belief that we are all supposed to be proving our value to the world by competing with everyone else for dwindling resources.
We need to establish that humans can be valuable just for showing up (UBI), and we have to stop brainwashing everyone (tax-deductible advertising) to be sex-starved and paranoid Republicans (believing that the problem is too much government when it's actually Consumerism).
Humans can be useful to their own future and their places: if we pay them and educate them to do so.
A system that is based on conquest and waste cannot be fixed by making everyone equal conquerors crapping in 'environmentally friendly' waste digesters.
We have to make them all paid creators and caretakers and stop hero-worshiping aggressive assholes who pile money on private islands.