Yes. This. If you listen to the white working folks that are supporting Trump, they say that he 'gets' them. The problem with that is that it's a ruse the Republicans have practiced for 70 years, especially in concert with right wingnut media. All of the talk about "less government" is straight out of the mouths of bar room sportsball idiots who are first to reach for a gub'mint check with one hand and take a gub'mint check away from a brown man with the other. Trump 'gets' them, alright. Like Trump, they'll swear up and down that they aren't racist or criminally stupid, at least until they get caught and then they'll blame the victim.
The Democrats have been trying to be the 'educated' and 'fairness' party, but it's hard to be believed if they don't actually listen or see how easily they have been duped by the Republicans' (and their own) corruption. White voters generally have no sense of how rich the rich really are, how much has been stolen from their labor, and how little they are different from the exploited people of color. To the typical "problem solver" elitist, it's just a matter of shifting money around by minor degrees and everyone will settle back into 'normalcy'(colonialism). In order to understand that normal isn't good, Democrats have to stand between the voters and K Street corruption: something that they really haven't done since Truman was a senator that got the Corporations' backs up and later he (Gasp!) integrated the military (as much as he could). Democrats sold what was left of that integrity to Wall Street under Clinton, and they still can't believe Trump had a chance of getting elected against Hillary the Walmart lawyer. Blame the Russians! Blame the Deplorables! How about taking an accounting of the tax code's loopholes and how much their favorite solutions end up costing those who need real assistance and assisting those with accountants? People who spend their careers filling out grant applications think the solution is always filling out paperwork to justify hiring more accountants (promotions depend on headcounts).