You bring up something that is on the minds of a lot of people right now. Almost everyone has buttons that can trigger bad choices and fears. We also have desire to make deeper connections with people we can depend on. The presidential elections have become massive divisive marketing schemes.
Trump is patent medicine for some: a solution in a fragile bottle of Market economics based on fanatical competition, sponsored by all the advertising agencies' whores who also work with Democrats. Does your friend even know how much effort and money went into recruiting her into the cult? Is she deprogrammed yet, or just on a guilt trip rebound?
Are you still in Europe mode, or can you imagine the situation as it is in the marketing cesspool of neighborhoods full of Trump trucks and boat parades? It was never about the despiccable man as a candidate: it is about a sporting event and picking teams. Advertising teams. Corporations are the captains choosing agencies. Presidential candidates are the last choice for both sides.
"Oh, alright, we'll take the girl, but only because the old man is in a coma."
"Fuck! We're stuck with Cheetoh again. Dust off the guns and trucks, we're going on another looney hunt"
Isn't competition just grand?