you should like this:
you should read Joe Bageant's "Deer Hunting With Jesus"
I've been writing letters, talking to locals, putting out fires and trying to get to the core to see what we can do.
Bottom line is that the System of systems has to fail, and it has to fail big or nothing will overcome the corrupted network of exploitation and coercion that is entrenched in the US economy. So, now I support people who are trying to make new networks of self-contained economics: organic farmers, community gardeners, maker spaces and I intend to get involved in repair sharing and barter.
Even if we get 50 million people involved, it won't change the current corrupt oligarchy.
We lost the class war when consumerism took over the country and advertising was allowed to be tax-deductible brainwashing.
We don't need Them, but They won't leave our children alone, either. They've got laws and money and religions. We've got our hands and very little else. (Everyone talks about talking about talking but when the money hits the fan, that's what becomes every issue and the only issue).
They've stolen our land, children, time and attention and there's just no more options for the working folk except to walk away: hard to do when the clicks of FaecesBook beckon to the masses.